
a literary magazine about money, work, & class

The Last Billionaire Died Today

No one

Could hear

That last breath

Over the sound of everyone eating.

Historical Sovereignty

Violence seems to follow me
through different bodies still,

It’s language
I’m afraid of.

It’s mostly Time
they have taken
from us

history is always so hush
hush about that time loss.

Words from Dreams

On the long street of plans
Growing older was never
Etched into the concrete

Mostly, it’s overdraft math
escaping somnambulist debts
Asking tomorrow to be less
In favor of living more today

Mostly, it’s names scratched
Into the street, mostly names
places, and expiration dates.

Mostly, there was never a model
For a life beyond a quick grave you
Couldn’t afford; credit card burial
Corner store the candle light vigil

a car wreck
a short walk
a wrong place
a wrong time

This life is just a long twitch
I have yet to get under control.

When they spray us with pesticides

Now there is a port-a-potty.

Now there is a bus with a roof.

We're dreaming of resting,
working nightmares because
without work we'll die and

I thought to myself the other day,

I wish someone would pay me to live.

We are at the end of a very long dystopian novel

that’s been happening for a few thousand years



                              We deserve to be Human.

               It’s like They think we don’t know that.

                              They, being the colonizer.
                              They, being the fascists.
                              They, being the state.

Angel DominGuez

Angel Dominguez has survived a 100-year flood, a close encounter with a bear, a fire, a second fire, and a lifetime of systemic racism. They will not go down without a fight. They’re the author of ROSESUNWATER (Forthcoming with The Operating System) and Black Lavender Milk (Timeless, Infinite Light 2015). Their third book, DESGRACIADO (the collected letters) is forthcoming with Nightboat Books in 2021.