
a literary magazine about money, work, & class


It’s been 2021 longer than anyone
can remember     & Portland is 112 degrees
California’s dry as a desert throat
& likelier to asphyxiate     heat waves catch
like a virus     birth funeral after funeral
at the lip of Lake Tahoe     where it’s never been hotter
a goggle-eyed tourist films a mama bear
trundling her triptych of cubs
through the threat     of a swimsuited crowd
muscling down the people-peppered beach
into the water’s tepid respite
out of the ambient heat
the video goes viral
some headlines yell     ISN’T IT CUTE?
others     WE ARE ALL FUCKED
my headline shrugs     it’s both
I watch on a screen in the kitchen
sip coffee     like it’s any old day
separate the garbage from the compost
as tho three fewer peach pits in the landfill
might patch the ozone layer     Jeff Bezos rides a phallus
-shaped machine     from Texas to the stratosphere
to prove there is nowhere     he won’t pillage
we turn our clocks to 11:11
wish on every star     for his safe return
to the plutonian depths that forged him

11 minutes pass & disappoint us
       he returns instead to earth
              thanks the workers
                     whose lifeblood he extracts
                                   for fun & money
In those 11 minutes
       like any other 11 minutes
                     he has blinked 220 times
                                   worked 0 seconds
                                                 & become $2,451,900 richer
I said
       two million
                     four hundred fifty-one thousand
                                                 nine hundred dollars richer
In those 11 minutes
       amazon delivery workers
                     have deposited packages
                                   on 102,262 doorsteps
                                                        & made $3.30-$4.58 each
In those 11 minutes
             hospital delivery workers
                     have helped 2,941 new people
                                   tunnel out of other people
                                                        & into the global population
                                                                       which traded those 2,941 new people
                                                                                                    for 1,166 newly dead people
                                                                                                 65 people murdered
                                                                       by intellectual property laws
                                                        vaccine imperialism
                                         medical apartheid
                     & reopening for business as usual
                                         1,166 newly dead people
                                                        including [ ] people
                                                                       who died on the job
                                                                                                 [ ] people who died
                                                                                                           bc they could not find a job
                                                                                                                                 & [ ] people who died
                                                                                                                                                   from job-related stress & illness
                                                                                                                               1,166 newly dead people
                                                                                                                including [ ] unhoused people
                                                                                             whose lives counted
                                                              whose deaths will be
                                            neither counted
                       nor accounted for
In those 11 minutes
                fast food workers have made their orders
                                   known all over the so-called US
                                                        walking out & rallying for $15 an hour
                                                                                       before taxes earmarked for all
                                                                                                 manner of warfare meanwhile
                                                                                                                Jeff Bezos has gotten two million
                                                                                                                               four hundred fifty-one thousand
                                                                                                                                                      nine hundred dollars richer
In those 11 minutes
                the streets of Bogotá & Barranquilla & Cali
                            have rumbled for the 83rd straight day
                                         with Afro-Colombian trans women
                                                           & Indigenous students & disabled workers
                                                                                          marching & yelling & voguing
                                                                                                 & striking & striking back & resisting
                                                                                                               militarized cops repression & slow or sudden death
In those 11 minutes
                    7 women spent
                              a long 660 seconds of the second
                                             of three long days in Wadena county jail
                                                            bc when they put their bodies on the Line
                                                                                3 pipeline destruction site they threatened
                                                                                                    the dominance of property capital
                                                                                                              & heteropatriarchal settler colonial relations
In those 11 minutes
                                             some people lived
                                                                                          every second
                                                                                                                                       as tho
                                                                                                                                                                                    the end
were not nearer,
                & nearer,

     & nearer,



stevie redwood

stevie redwood is a disabled sino-jewish neuroemergent introvert genderpervert homotrash littledreamer bigmouth freak living & dying on Yelamu Ohlone land / San Francisco, CA. they like shittalk, porchsitting, leaflitter, & riffraff. find them trolling yimbys on twitter @trash_whisperer.