
a literary magazine about money, work, & class

excerpts from

Magnetic South (or, the alphabet of missing letters)

σ (sigma).

The violence perpetrated 
is not incidental to their plans 
your excision 
has been thoroughly planned.

π (pi).

I had not seen the setting of the table            the glint of silverware signalling its own perfect
democracy      the construction of the room boxing me in         had begun a good while back
I was unpacking caskets while                  Bacchae of dubious origin enacted their version of a
referendum                         a repetition of tearing first the land, then the body to pieces

         the routine disciplining now a tithe to lineage and purity.

λ (lamda).

The netherworld that is my country tastes of cement
                                                            & brine       the large     alimentary tract controls
                              the throat                        the sea roaring               masks the
epilepsies              impact structures are traced on the skin                not everyone sought
to moor the land to the future but those who did also made certain the winds carried
messages of death and chimerical silence.

ι (iota).

Suicide as sacrifice in a news item about the life of paupers - the honey glaze cloys, trauma
is recorded in tissues, the stock market crashes. I may have lost all muscle memory in my
tongue but the Archbishop’s funeral pulsing out into the veins of the homeland was quite
the spectacle.


Theodoros Chiotis has published the chapbooks Screen (Paper Tigers Books, 2017) and limit.less: towards an assembly of the sick (Litmus, 2017). He is also the editor and translator of the anthology Futures: Poetry of the Greek Crisis (Penned in the Margins, 2015). His work has also been published in Litmus, Datableed, Forward Book of Poetry 2017, 3:am, Adventures in Form, Shearsman, amongst others. He has received awards and commendations from the Forward Arts Foundation and the Institute for the Future of the Book. He is on the editorial board of [φρμκ] and Hotel magazine. He currently lives and works in Athens.